We created this page to help community members like you effectively speak up about the proposed water sale. Whether you're attending a city council meeting, writing to officials, talking with neighbors, or sharing on social media, having the right information matters.
This resource provides key talking points and facts that you can use to make your voice heard. You don't need to be an expert - just a concerned citizen who cares about our region's future. Feel free to use these messages in your own words.
Remember that personal stories about what these lakes and waterways mean to you or your family often make the strongest impact. Consider pairing these facts with your own connection to East Texas waters.
Thank you for speaking up for our community's water resources. Together, our voices can protect Lake O' the Pines and Caddo Lake for generations to come.
Key Facts
Your water rights are protected - Caddo Lake is not.
Your water cannot be taken from you - but Caddo Lake's water can be diverted. Your parents and grandparents paid for Lake O' the Pines reservoir, which means your water rights cannot be taken away.
You have time and choices.
There is no need to rush this decision. We have the water, we have the leverage, and any deal should be made on our region's terms.
Once infrastructure is in place, control becomes difficult.
Big cities are already pushing to remove your "first in line" water priority status. Once they install their pipeline, maintaining local control becomes extremely difficult.
Regional impacts will be significant.
This isn't just about one lake - it affects our entire ecosystem, economy, and way of life across East Texas.
Droughts affect both regions simultaneously.
When we need water most, Dallas will too - and history shows big cities typically win those battles.
This is a generational decision.
The impact of this agreement will affect our children and grandchildren. This irreversible decision deserves full transparency, accountability, and careful consideration.
Have specific questions about the water sale or need help preparing for a meeting or conversation? We're here to support you. Fill out the form and we’ll be in touch.
THe science behind the problem
This document summarizes the Cypress River Basin and Caddo Lake Watershed Environmental Flows Project (2004-2015), which developed flow regime recommendations ("Building Blocks") to maintain ecological health in the basin. The project involved scientists and stakeholders collaborating to establish flow standards for Big Cypress, Little Cypress, and Black Cypress Bayous, with implementation efforts including changes to Lake O' the Pines operations and ongoing monitoring to support adaptive management.
Texas Instream Flow Studies: Technical Overview
The document describes a comprehensive framework for conducting studies to determine flow conditions needed to support sound ecological environments in Texas rivers and streams. It outlines a multidisciplinary approach involving hydrology, biology, geomorphology, and water quality to develop flow recommendations that maintain ecosystem integrity.
Provided by the Caddo Lake Institute