Protect Our Water Rights, Protect Our Way of Life

Now is the time to stop big cities from taking our water and protect Lake O’ the Pines and Caddo Lake for generations.

Reasons to

stand strong

Jefferson would experience no water flow 55% of the time, leading to severely degraded water quality and fish habitat throughout Big Cypress Bayou due to reduced flow and increased temperatures, ultimately devastating Caddo Lake, Texas's only natural lake and an irreplaceable vital ecosystem that cannot be replicated or relocated.


Selling our water rights would jeopardize our region's economic future, causing property values to plummet, devastating local businesses that depend on tourism, and crippling our ability to attract new industry that could employ thousands.


Cities are being pressured to make irreversible decisions without complete information about a water source meant for Northeast Texas, including rural towns still on dwindling well water that will need NETMWD in the future, all while larger cities could eventually control and squeeze out local customers once their infrastructure is installed.

local control

Selling our water rights puts our rural way of life, built around outdoor recreation, fishing, hunting, boating, and timber, at existential risk. Once Dallas infrastructure is in place at Lake O' the Pines, they'll have control over our water resources and could override any environmental protections during "emergencies," jeopardizing the very foundation of our communities.

way of life

what is happening

  • Big Dallas suburbs want to take water from rural East Texas, threatening our way of life and the future of our region.

  • They're rushing small towns to sell their water rights, but this water belongs to us - our parents and grandparents paid to build this reservoir for Northeast Texas, not Dallas.

  • If Dallas gets control of Lake O' the Pines, it will harm Caddo Lake - Texas's only natural lake and a state treasure. Water levels could drop by a foot and Jefferson could see its scenic bayou negatively impacted.

  • During droughts, when we need water most, the DFW area could be competing with us for the same water. And they always win against small towns. Once they get their pipes in our lake, there's no going back. They'll control our water forever.

But here's the truth: They can't take our water rights from us. We have time to study this. We don't have to rush. And if we stand together, we can protect our region's water for future generations.

Who it impacts

This proposed water sale would impact everyone who lives, works, or plays around Lake O' the Pines and Caddo Lake in Northeast Texas. Are you:

  • A resident of Pittsburgh, Daingerfield, Jefferson, Hughes Springs, Lone Star, Ore City, or Avinger? Your city council gets to vote on this.

  • A lake homeowner, boater, or fisher? Water levels and access could change.

  • A business owner near the lakes? Tourism and recreation dollars could be affected.

  • A property owner along Big Cypress Bayou or Caddo Lake? Water flow and quality would be reduced.

  • Someone who hunts, boats, or enjoys our East Texas lakes? The environment and wildlife habitat could be harmed.

  • Planning to stay in East Texas? Future water access for jobs and growth could be limited.

  • Someone who values Caddo Lake, Texas' only natural lake? Its future depends on water from Lake O' the Pines.




available water after sedimentation and droughts
(up to 203,800 is permitted)

- 100,000……

regional uses
requested by NTMWD

That leaves with either a negative balance, or 53,000-acre feet which is not enough water for downstream. 

take action

Don't let DFW area take control of our water and destroy our way of life - send a quick email to your city council telling them to protect Lake O' the Pines and Caddo Lake for future generations, not sell out to big city interests. It only takes a minute to speak up for our community, and once these water rights are gone, we can never get them back.

If you live in an unincorporated area, stay tuned. We’re still working on a way for you to make your voice heard.

save our lakes coalition

A broad coalition of East Texas environmental, business, and community interests has formed to protect regional water rights from being sold to North Texas Municipal Water District.

The Greater Caddo Lake Association of Texas

The Greater Caddo Lake Association of Louisiana

The City of Uncertain, Texas

The Caddo Lake Area Chamber of Commerce

The Lake O’ the Pines Chamber of Commerce

The Caddo Lake Institute

The Caddo Biocontrol Alliance

Terry Real Estate

Mobile Tech Solutions